GroupNews: Everything happening all in one place
Centralize your organization’s internal news, updates, events, and deadlines with GroupNews.

Break down silos.
Gain clarity across your organization.
So many companies struggle with keeping their employees informed about what’s happening company-wide. Departmental information silos create a lack of clarity. Missed deadlines, miscommunication, and email overload are just a few of the issues that we all deal with.
GroupNews solves this problem. GroupNews helps you centralize communication, streamline event & deadline management, and keep everyone on the same page.
Here’s how it works:

All your workplace news, together in one feed.
GroupNews gathers news from across your organization and presents it in a unified feed, so everyone stays in the know with everything that’s happening, all in one place.
Stay on top of events and deadlines
Never miss important dates, deadlines, and events again. Your whole organization sees what’s on the horizon with the events and deadlines calendar.
Be a part of the conversation with discussions
Cut down on dreadful email chains with discussions on any post or event. Featuring threads, mentions, and file uploads, discussions keep everyone in the conversation.
Keep organized with channels
Arrange news based on topic, department, or team with channels. Channels can be group-wide or limited to certain people, allowing easy access to the information you seek.
Ensure critical updates are seen with acknowledgements
Request acknowledgement on any story, event, or deadline in order to put critical information front and center for everyone in your organization.
Updates get summarized in a weekly digest email.
Every member in your Group receives a weekly email containing headlines of new stories, items needing their acknowledgement, and any upcoming events and deadlines.
Supercharge your company
Imagine a version of your company where you and your colleagues know the goals the business is working towards, and you understand how your efforts support those goals. When you have questions, you know exactly where to find answers.
In that version of your company, everyone is more efficient, engaged, and effective. You all have a clear path forward and take pride in the work that you do.
By ensuring you and your colleagues are on the same page and in the know, GroupNews can get you there. Try it for seven days and see for yourself.
What, exactly, is GroupNews?
GroupNews addresses broken and inefficient communication in your organization. It provides you with the tools you need to publish and discuss internal news, updates, events, and deadlines, all in one place. This way, you and your colleages are always on the same page.
Is GroupNews just for businesses?
Nope! GroupNews is a great platform for any group of people who want to know what's going on with everyone else in the group. That could be your business, your non-profit organization, your messenger pigeon enthusiast group, your extended family, or any other group you can imagine. It's up to you.
Do you offer a free trial?
We sure do! You can try GroupNews absolutely free for 7 days, no credit card necessary. You can set up your free trial here.
Seven days isn’t much time. Can I have a longer trial?
Actually, you can!
By simply using GroupNews during your trial, you can extend it to as long as 21 days. Just look for the section titled 👋 Welcome To GroupNews for details after you create your Group.
Can I publish my GroupNews content publicly?
Yes! With a Premium or Enterprise plan, you can make individual channels and the content in them visible for the whole world.
How do you handle my group’s privacy?
We at GroupNews firmly stand by the belief that your content and data belongs to you. We do not and will never sell any of your information to third parties, and we won’t use your name or company in marketing statements without your permission either.
For full details about how GroupNews handles your privacy, have a read through our privacy policy.
What is the meaning of life?
Woah, that’s a big question! We’re not sure, but we’d say enjoy yourself, do your best, and be a good person.